I started the day by sanitizing everything, and I mean everything, buckets spoons, counter tops, plus I banished the kids from the kitchen.
The recipe contains some steeping grains, which have to be steeped at 160 degrees. I put 2.5 gallons of water in my pot and turned the stove on, and waited, and waited. Finally 160 degrees, in go the grains. I should have noticed at this point that a stove wasnt going to cut it, but I didnt.
Once the steeping is done you need to bring the wort to a boil before adding the hops. It was taking forever, I finally got out another pot and poured half the wort into each one, I was finally able to get both to boil and returned all the wort to my bigger pot. I added the hops on schedule, and was able to keep a small boil going.
I was going to add irish moss to this at the 15 min to go mark, but forgot to until about 8 minutes left.
I cooled it in an ice bath in the kitchen sink, in about 20 minutes and added cold distiled water to bring the temp down the rest of the way.
I the packet of nottingham yeast that came with the kit and closed the bucket up, put the airlock in, put it down in the basement for a couple of weeks.
Starting Gravity: 1.042- It was supposed to be higher, but I think I added to much water.
Primary: 12 days
Secondary: 7 days - with gelatin
Bottled On: 7-18-2010
How was it? Considering the problems I had in the process and not knowing what I was doing, it turned out really well. Ive been really enjoying it, and its just a good as any red ales I currently buy.