Monday, February 27, 2012

Forlough Pale Ale - Mid November 2011

Well Ive been thinking about doing a pale ale or an IPA for a while now. Its not my favorite sytle, but I decide to come oup with somehting and just brew it. This is called Furlough Pale ale because I was furloghed at work around the holidays for a few weeks, which gave me time to brew this.

Briess 2-Row Brewer's Malt 8 lbs, 0 oz
Briess White Wheat 1 lbs, 0 oz
Crisp Crystal Malt 45L 1 lbs, 0 oz

Amarillo leaf 1 oz @ FWH

Cascade Pellets .5 oz @ 15 mins

Wyeast Labs American Ale

This turned out awesome. I keged most of it, and bottled 10 bottles. I was hoping to send this to a competition. I opened a few before I was going to send them, and there was no carbonation at all, so I didnt send them in.

A buddy and I finished most of the rest of this on new years eve. I will brew this again.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Vienna Lager - All Grain - October 2011

Well I finally got all my equipment together for doing all grain. I made a mash tun from a 5 gallon beverage cooler.

I decided to do a vienna lager after having a few of them recently at some resturants in the area. This probably wasnt the best choice for my first all grain, in that it takes a while to be ready, and Im not really very patient.

The recipe I decided to do was from the winner of the national homebrew competition for european lagers.

Weyermann Vienna - 4 lbs, 6.4 oz
Briess Pilsner - 3 lbs, 0 oz
Briess Organic Munich 10 - 2 lbs, 11.2 oz
Caramel Munich - 0 lbs, 4 oz
Weyermann De-Husked Carafa II - 0 lbs, 1.75 oz

Hallertau Pellets, German 1.25 oz @ 60 mins
Hallertau Pellets, German .5 oz @ 10 mins

Wyeast Labs Munich Lager

Mash at 152 for 90 minutes. Boil for 90 minutes. Cool and pitch at 45 degrees . Let the temp rise and ferment at 50 degrees.